Support our noble cause
You can make a difference by supporting INAS initiative to develop its projects and activities.
Whether you donate $5, $500, or more, every little bit helps.
Your donation will help us to continue our efforts to improve access to education for students in need. For example, it will enable us to provide scholarships for low-income students, fund teacher training programs, and purchase much-needed supplies and equipment for underfunded schools.
Thank you for your support!
Available payment methods:
To donate with Zelle app, scan the following QR code with your phone, or send the payment to the address:
To donate using a credit card, please fill the following form and choose the amount of money you want to send.
To donate using Paypal please click on this button, or send a payment in our Paypal app to INAS account at:
To donate using a bank transfer or a check please use the following information:
- Pay to: INAS
- Address: 300 Bay Drive, Cary NC 27511 USA
- Routing numbers:
Wire transfers – domestic 121000248 - Bank account number:
7213762136 - SWIFT: PNBPUS33CHA
To donate with Venmo, scan the following QR code with your phone, or send the payment to @INASDZ.