الأوراق البيضاء

يحتوي هذا القسم على: 9 أوراق بيضاء منشورة

Imene Hadj Henni

Wuhan University of Technology | WHUT

Published on: January 13 2025

Abstract: This study aimed to identify the problems of sustainable development in Algeria and the most significant measures and initiatives of the Algerian government to address the issue of triple integration, which has become mandatory in all countries and societies. To fulfill the outlined objectives of the study, descriptive and analytical methods were used to examine several action plans that concern the enhancement of the environmental state in the country, economic growth in the non-oil sector, and the improvement of the individual’s living environment, which is considered crucial for sustainable development.

Finally, it can be ascertained that Algeria has implemented several development programs to manifest a sustainable environment and economic status, which would substantially augment the social condition of the country despite the hindrances observed.

Adel Aissaoui

Master of Engineering, researcher in various fields . Inventor and strategic thinker

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Department of Petroleum Engineering/Offshore Technologies

UKRAINE 2008-2013

Published on: November 01 2024

Abstract: This innovation facilitates the monitoring of oil wells quickly and accurately, especially in the smart wells, which are consistent with this innovation. In the traditional way, the pressure of the well and the movement of fluids are monitored with heavy tools and then the samples are sent to the laboratory but this innovation is accurate and light tools, A nanotechnology laboratory is sent in a hole in the vineyard and in turn sends data through the intelligent tube. It can be disposed of once it is finished and crushed or pulled through the mud for drilling. Measurement capsules are a miniature measurement laboratory And fast.

الأستاذ :محمد الصغير دحية

Published on: April 16, 2024

منذ أن وطئت أقدام فرنسا النجسة أرض الجزائر الطاهرة ، وهي تفور وترمي بالشرر، ولم يقبل الجزائريون بالغرم، ولم يتركوا أعداءهم الفرنسيين يتمتعون بالغنم ، وكلما أخمد الفرنسيون جهادا وقمعوا ثورة ، أشعل الجزائريون نارا أخرى تشوي وجوه الفرنسيين ، وتكوي جنوبهم وجباههم حتى استردوا أرضهم، وثأروا لعرضهم، وانتقموا لكرامتهم وطردوا بالقوة عدوهم ( من وحي البصائر _ محمد الهادي الحسني) عندما اعتقدت فرنسا بعد مرور قرن على احتلالها أرض الجزائر وأنها صارت فرنسية ، أذن الله لثلة من علماء الأمة في 05 ماي 1931م بتأسيس جمعية وضعت لنفسها هدفا هو تخليص الجزائريين من براثن الاستعمار .

Mohamed Esseghir, Ph.D.

Principal Research Scientist

The Dow Chemical Company

400 Arcola Road, Collegeville, PA 19426 – USA

Published on: november 29, 2022

This four-part series of brief communications provide an overview of quality assurance in higher education in the United States. First, the U.S. post-secondary education is introduced, its historical evolution, reporting structure, overseeing responsibilities, and financing mechanisms for both its public and private institutions. The admission process and the criteria used for accurate assessment of a student’s capabilities for best placement and to maximize chances of success are then discussed. The communication then presents quality assurance in the U.S. system in which the primary focus of the federal government and its agencies is to ensure whether an institution or program is of sufficient quality to qualify for federal funds. Quality assurance itself relies on professional, non-governmental accrediting organizations specialized in various fields of higher education. Finally, the essential elements of the accreditation process, its methods of assessment, and implementation are presented.

Mohamed Esseghir, Ph.D.

Principal Research Scientist

The Dow Chemical Company

400 Arcola Road, Collegeville, PA 19426 – USA

Published on: november 29, 2022

This four-part series of brief communications provides an overview of quality assurance in higher education in the United States. First, the U.S. post-secondary education is introduced, its historical evolution, reporting structure, overseeing responsibilities, and financing mechanisms for both its public and private institutions. The admission process and the criteria used for accurate assessment of a student’s capabilities for best placement and to maximize chances of success are then discussed.  The communication then presents quality assurance in the U.S. system in which the primary focus of the federal government and its agencies is to ensure whether an institution or program is of sufficient quality to qualify for federal funds. Quality assurance itself relies on professional, non-governmental accrediting organizations specialized in various fields of higher education. Finally, the essential elements of the accreditation process, its methods of assessment, and implementation are presented.

ساهم معنا

أنشر مقالتك العلمية

نحن نبحث دائمًا عن مساهمات قيمة من الباحثين والطلاب. ساعدنا في إثراء مجموعتنا العلمية من خلال نشر نتائجك في مجلة إيناس. نحن منفتحون على المساهمات من مجالات التعليم والهندسة والعمارة والتكنولوجيا والعلوم الاجتماعية.

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